From birds to boars -- fashion explained a century ago -

The following State Journal editorial ran on Jan. 4, 1914:

A bird is known by its feathers. Much so with folks. Your clothes describe you as clearly as do your actions.

The youth who wants to spruce up yields to a good impulse ... . Don’t discourage him. Guide him. He is making an effort to appear good. That wish is the first step toward being good. ...

There is more hope for the girl who is concerned about the ribbon on her hair and the bow on her blouse than for the girl who is “above that sort of thing.”

Though fashion is not all virtue, it is not all vice.

Fashion’s worst fault is its waste. It wears out more clothes than either man or woman can. ...

Fashion is fickle and makes that which seems worth keeping but temporal.

The over-indulgence of any virtue reduces it to vulgarity if not to vice. So with fashion. ...

Birds are thought beautiful because they are plumed in colors. The poets recognize in them a spiritual instinct because they sing. But the boar, unkempt and uncolored, unlovely in the light, untouched by nature’s sense of fashion, has never thought to try to sing.

The frivolities of fashion, when tempered by judgment, as all things must to be good, develop rather than dwarf the mental and spiritual virtues. ...

via fashion - Google News

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