Food trends much like fashion - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Media outlets are saturated with predictions for 2014 trends, many food-related.

The trend forecasts always baffle me — are folks guessing? Do they create the trends by putting them on a list?

It turns out foodie trends follow the same trajectory as fashion. Food experts who spend time in high-end restaurants across the country identify categories or techniques that they think are likely to trickle down to more accessible restaurants and home kitchens.

Here are a few "trends" I saw predicted in multiple online foodie prophecies:

Beans: If you read my column regularly, you'll know I'm ahead of the curve on this one. The lowly bean, if well-sourced and fresh, is a delicious and economical way to add nutrition at every meal.

Locally sourced vegetables, meat and sustainable food production: I think we're on target here in southern Wisconsin. CSAs, farmers markets, food hubs and a proud list of farmer suppliers at restaurants are becoming the norm, and this is wonderful. Dialogue and education need to continue in order for people to feel comfortable with higher prices when compared with conventional, mass-produced counterparts.

Children's nutrition: I think this is already on the minds of many parents. I'd love to see it continue in school lunchrooms and on restaurant menus . (Ditch the kid menus and just offer smaller-sized portions from the regular menu, pretty please?)

Breakfast for dinner: If this is trendy, then lots of time and cash-strapped parents are at the height of dinner fashion, and have been for years.

More vegetables and lots of house-made pickles: Hooray!

My 2014 predictions

Pasture-grazed: This trend is only going up as more scientific evidence backs up common sense. What animals eat matters, and their bodies are designed to forage for grass. A grass-based diet leads to more beneficial nutrients in milk, eggs and meat.

Socially responsible companies: More and more small companies are including a donation to a nonprofit as a standard part of their mission. One local example is Madison-based Yumbutter; each sale helps feed a malnourished child in the developing world.

Local, but with international flair: Local food start-ups are sprouting up everywhere, but more are using local Wisconsin bounty in interesting, ethnic ways. Check out Afro Fusion Cuisine's spices and sauces and Wisco Tropicál hot sauce.

Everyday farms: Households growing at least some of their own food are up 24% since 2007. And if people don't have a garden, chicken coop or beehive in their backyard, they are making more efforts to find local sources. NPR recently did a story on new suburban developments incorporating a local farm into plans in lieu of other amenities, like golf courses.

And finally, here are ideas that are not yet trends but that I think should be. They sound commonplace, but if each became a movement in its own right, it would have a positive impact on our food system.

More cooking at home: As more people choose a pot and spoon over take-out containers, health improves and people may turn to fresher, locally sourced produce and meat.

Kids in the kitchen: If we really want to bring children's nutrition to the forefront, then our children need to be at our elbow when we menu plan, shop and cook.

Rethinking our food dollar: Americans spend less than any other country on food as a percentage of household income. Compare our 6% to France's 14%. If we spend more on good food, we may all see savings in health care.

Less food waste: A National Institute of Health study shows that we waste 40% of the food we produce. Not all of that is post-consumer, but I'm resolving to plan my meals in order to throw out less food this year.

And finally, my 5-year-old wanted to get in on the 2014 trend analysis action. For him, it's all about getting back to the classics, in an updated and delicious way. He said that this year, everyone is going to be eating "Birthday cakes, broccoli, mac and cheese, and hot dogs made with good meat, ketchup, mustard and pickles from the garden."


Anna Thomas Bates is a mother and writer living in southern Wisconsin. Find more recipes and stories on her blog, Email her at

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