Ten-year-old Flint native's fashion designs about to hit major runway show in ... - The Flint Journal - MLive.com

DALLAS, TEXAS -- When Destinee Duncan grows up, she wants to be a fashion designer and an actress.

But the way things are going, it doesn't look like she'll be looking forward to either.

At 10 years old, she's already both of those things.

A Flint native who moved to Dallas with her parents three years ago, she's been modeling since she was 10 months old and drawing fashion designs since she was 5. She's acted in a movie and for commercials and some of her designs were recently accepted into the Fashion Week fashion show in Austin, Texas.

"It's been really fun because I get to go out and do something I always wanted to do," she said. Not bad when "always" refers to a decade — less, when you consider that she had to spend time learning to crawl, walk, speak, and go to preschool before she could really buckle down on her career.

Though she's always been active in her passions, Fashion Week is taking it to a new level, her mother, Danette Duncan said.

"This is a big step from the other shows you do. She will be the only kid designer there," she said.

Destinee sees it that way as well.

"I think it's going to be a big opportunity, so it can make my line go up," she said.

It was Duncan who decided to enter her designs to see if she could get them on the runway.

"They took it to the board and it took them a while to see what they wanted to do, with her being so young. And they voted and they decided to give her a shot," Duncan said. "It could be a good opportunity for her if she could get noticed there."

Destinee said she didn't think she had a chance.

"I was happy and excited," she said. "I was jumping up."

Even though she's been accepted, right now the family is trying to raise funds through a website to enter the show. All those having clothes modeled have to pay a $2,500 fee.

It might be a good business opportunity, but then, Destinee is already in business. She sells her own clothing line, Glossy Girls, through a company Facebook page. Duncan said they're working on getting an official website set up.

Duncan said they come back to Flint about once a year to visit family. Destinee's grandparents all still live in Flint.

"She's doing a good job and I'm really proud of her," Lizzie Neely, Destinee's grandmother said. She was also sure to point out, "She's a good student, too. She's an A student."

Glossy Girls designs are mostly dresses meant for girls about Destinee's age. Although she has done other ages. At a fashion show in Houston, officials requested she make designs for teens. She took the challenge and did it.

Duncan said she noticed her daughter's drawings when she was 5 years old. About a year ago, she and Destinee's dad hired a seamstress to start bringing those designs to life.

Duncan had her daughter active long before that, however. She entered her in a pageant at 10 months old and it caught the attention of a Chicago-based photographer who contacted them for a photo shoot. From there, she's continued to model — sometimes her own clothes — and act.

"It's been a journey. It's been exciting, tiring all at the same time because she does so much," Duncan said. "But I'm going to back her because that's what she wants to do, and with her being so young and dedicated to it, we're going to try and stand by her."

Most recently, Destinee was in a film titled "Once is Enough," in which she played a ghost. She said the film is supposed to be released on Netflix soon.

But for the time being, she's focused on Fashion Week, which will take place April 24-May 3. And, of course, going to school.

via fashion - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFOT5g4sqKkitx6EKPB79QQ8A5hhQ&url=http://www.mlive.com/entertainment/flint/index.ssf/2013/12/ten-year-old_flint_natives_fas.html

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