Kanye West Asked Harmless Question About Fashion And COMPLETELY Loses ... - PerezHilton.com

Kanye West gets into a shouting match over the radio when asked about fashion!!! Listen HERE!

OK, we know that fashion can sometimes be a touchy subject for Kanye West and often prompts a casual rant or two.

But Yeezus' reaction to a harmless question from Sway Calloway while chatting on Shade 45 this morning was FAR beyond any rant we've heard from him to date!!

The rapper was basically asked why he hasn't been able to achieve the world-domination he's aiming for in the fashion world quite yet, and 'Ye IMMEDIATELY cuts Sway off and doesn't stop yelling for a good three minutes.

Here's just a brief glimpse of a few things he shouted:

"You ain't got the answer SWAY….You ain't spent $13 million of your own money trying to "empower"… I have been doing this longer than you… You ain't been doing the EDUCATION…"

Sounds like some SERIOUS pent-up anger to us!!

And in the end, Yeezy basically admits to not having enough money to throw down on his fashion empire. Huh??

Listen to the NSFW argument get turnt up REAL fast …AFTER THE JUMP!!!


All that being said though, we applaud Kanye for being just as quick to apologize and forgive as he is to explode, LOLz!!

Hey, sometimes genius inspires madness!

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