Roberto Cavalli says fashion rival Michael Kors 'plagiarized' designs - Daily Mail

By Daily Mail Reporter


Roberto Cavalli has accused Michael Kors of copying his designs.

The Italian designer, 73, has relaunched his attack on the American designer in Miami's Haute Living magazine after calling him out on plagiarism last year.

He says he is infuriated that the fashion industry has not held him accountable for what he thinks is a 'scandal.'

Furious: Roberto Cavalli, pictured at the end of his Milan Fashion Week show earlier today, has relaunched his attack on Michael Kors, accusing him of copying designs

Furious: Roberto Cavalli, pictured at the end of his Milan Fashion Week show earlier today, has relaunched his attack on Michael Kors, accusing him of copying designs

Mr Cavalli said: 'Now you have designers and you have Zara, which is meant to be fast and sold at a very cheap price, so you expect [copying]. But Mr Michael Kors, he copies everything!

'It's really a scandal and nobody has the courage to say anything. It's really not fair.'

Mr Cavalli did not expand on which collections he feels have been plagiarized, and nor has Mr Kors commented on the accusations. But this is not the first time this subject has been raised.

In an interview with in December last year, Mr Cavalli said that 'Michael Kors [is] one of the biggest copy designers in the world.’

He added that he even writes 'comments on [Mr Kors’s] Instagram' that accuse the designer of copying Cavalli designs.

'He’s not American fashion. He is international fashion made in America,’ the designer continued.

King of American fashion: Designer Michael Kors seen walking the runway at the end of his New York Fashion Week show last week

King of American fashion: Designer Michael Kors seen walking the runway at the end of his New York Fashion Week show last week

'Scandal': Mr Cavalli says he is infuriated that the fashion industry has not held Mr Kors accountable for his 'plagiarized' collections (pictured: Michael Kors, fall/winter 2014)

'Scandal': Mr Cavalli says he is infuriated that the fashion industry has not held Mr Kors accountable for his 'plagiarized' collections (pictured: Michael Kors, fall/winter 2014)

He also slammed American fashion in general, claiming that American women ‘all dress the same,' and that while they are very warm and polite, they ‘have to [become] a little more open-minded.’

He said that he feels New York City women need to start wearing less black – a color choice he thinks they favor only for its slimming effects.

'Fashion is just about money now. There's been nothing truly new since the 1950s, except many sneakers'

‘[It’s] like that because everyone wants to look skinnier,’ Mr Cavalli said. 'Black is the color people wear when they’re gym fanatics. And it’s true, if you wear black, you look at least five kilos less than what you are.’

The Miami Haute Living interview also saw Mr Cavalli take aim at the fashion industry's lack of creativity in recent years.

He said: 'Fashion is just about money now. There's no evolution. In the 18th and 19th centuries, fashion used to completely change every 20 years. Totally new silhouettes, etc. Now, there is less creativity. There's been nothing truly new since the 1950s, except many sneakers.'

via fashion - Google News

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