Fashion goes high tech with glam new accessories - New York Post

Welcome to the technological future —- of fashion.

New Yorkers got to peak into the future Wednesday evening with a tech fashion show hosted by Tech In Motion.

The show, held in Chelsea’s Highline Stages Studio as part of Social Media Week, featured 3-D printed nails and handbags equipped with Bluetooth technology so it will never get lost.

Here’s a look at some of the coolest items:

3-D printed shoes by Continuum Fashion

Photo: Olivia Christina Photography

This NYC company says its 3-D shoes are printed using nylon, which makes them strong but lightweight and delicate looking. Using 3-D printer technology, the company can also print out intricate designs on its shoes, like its sandals with butterflies, or these cubism-styled heels.

Cost: Expected to be around $200

Bag with bluetooth technology by Asher Levine

Photo: Asher Levine

If you never want to loose your handbag again (or you want to track someone), consider this militaristic-looking bag by designer Asher Levine, who is known for integrating fashion and tech.

The “Grenade Bag,” is made with rubber and is traceable using PhoneHalo’s TrackR technology.

Cost: $295

3D printed nails by The LaserGirls

Photo: The LaserGirls

Forget gel nails. If you want the funkiest looking nails in town, get them printed for you in odd shapes, materials and designs. The LaserGirls prints the nails in nylon or even stainless steel and sells them in their online store

Cost: $30 for the nylon nails and more for plastic or steel nails.

Ger Mood sweater by Sensoree

Photo: Sensoree

We already share so much of ourselves online, why not in person by revealing our moods through our clothes? This San Francisco company is currently taking pre-orders on 100 sweaters that change colors from purple to blue to pink based on brain waves transmitted from sensors attached to the hands.

Orange pops up when the brain is transmitting theta waves. Alpha waves and you get green.

Cost: TBD.

via fashion - Google News

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