Toe gussets: breaking the ultimate fashion taboo - The Guardian (blog)

Toe gusset on tights worn with Birkenstocks

Toe gusset on tights worn with Birkenstocks. Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian

Even in fashion – an arena that holds under-fives up as style icons and sometimes loves fur more than Cruella de Vil – there are still some taboos. The exhibit in focus? The toe gusset of tights – favoured by nans everywhere, and now worn loud and proud on feet in a Carine Roitfeld shoot in this month's Harper's Bazaar.

This is never going to be a pretty item of clothing, let's be honest. "Icky" is more the word that comes to mind. But this isn't just a stylist on a whim. Toe gussets can be see as the latest element of the 90s revival currently riding high in fashion.

This might be for Harper's Bazaar, but it recalls shoots in now-defunct style magazine The Face. The mid-90s saw a grunge-edged realism with photographers such as Ellen von Unwerth, Corinne Day and Juergen Teller swapping the glamour of the 80s for a new, often squat-based anti-glamour. A toe gusset, a visible bra or wonky lipstick was edgy.

Toe gusset in Harper's Bazaar The toe gusset shoot in Harper's Bazaar. Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian

Does it work 20 years later? Arguably, yes – partly because toe gussets are never going to be adopted by the masses. They'll always be edgy. In the hands of Roitfeld, too, anything can become appealing, even the American Tans you can buy in the corner shop. The way she has styled them is the key, of course. Add Celine sandals, disco trousers and a pedicure and the effect – you have to admit – is more jolie laide than unsightly. Even when worn with Birkenstocks, damn it.

Next up? Mud and gap teeth, if the famous Tribal Gathering 96 Face cover is anything to go by.

via fashion - Google News

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