Fashion's Leading Economic Indicator - Forbes

English: Three bottles of different nail polis...

English: Three bottles of different nail polish colors and brands. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Much has been made of skirt lengths as an economic indicator. This theory has been debunked many times. At the moment, both short flared skater skirts and knee-length sheath skirts, not to mention long hippie skirts, are in style. Fashion’s real economic indicator is nail polish.

Yep, nail polish. Indeed, it can be considered a leading economic indicator, with skirt lengths a lagging indicator. The darker the polish, the worse the economy. Why haven’t men figured this out? They don’t pay attention to nail polish unless they don’t like what their girlfriends are wearing.

On to the proof! The ancient Egyptians colored their nails, but nail polish was commercially perfected by Revlon founder Charles Revson, whose rivals referred to him as The Nail Man. (Check out Andres Tobias’s excellent Revson biography Fire & Ice.)

Until the 1920s, makeup was for actresses, and actress was another word for hooker. Actresses and ballerinas plied their trade on stage and met customers after the performance—which is why nineteenth-century operas always had ballets in the second act.

Women wore dark nail colors in the ‘20s: red, blue, green, black. Oh, but the ‘20s was a time of economic growth! Uh-huh. And it was also a time of runaway margin debt, pervasive insider trading, no bank regulation, and the perfection of the art of pumping and dumping.

Dark nail polish would qualify as a leading indicator—telling people things were headed into the porcelain plumbing before it was otherwise evident. As one prominent financier noted at the time, he knew the end of the bubble was nigh when his shoeshine boy began giving him stock tips.

The ‘30s were a period of dark polish. Revson wanted to sell makeup, so he came up with the idea of matching lips and finger tips. His biggest hit was Cherries in the Snow, a deep cherry red that sold well for many years.

Nail polish didn’t lighten up until the late ‘60s, when the Mods wore beige lipstick and pale polish. The ‘60s were a time of good economic growth. During the hippie era of the early ‘70s, nails and everything else were au naturel.

Then the Arabs got it together with OPEC and doubled the price of oil overnight in 1973. Western economies—and the dollar as reserve currency—are dependent on oil, and will remain so in our lifetimes. (Shale oil—better known in the business as tar sands—is not a panacea.)

Bianca Jagger and other fashion-forward women began appearing in ‘30s-inspired clothing, ankle-strap platforms, and dark polish and lipstick. This was the beginning of the decadent late ‘70s, when the Secretary of State partied at Studio 54. Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976, when the economy was flat on its back. Lecturing Americans about air conditioning use went nowhere.

But then a miracle happened in the stock market. The prudent man rule was reinterpreted in 1978 to permit pension funds to invest in equities. That change, and not the tax cuts, was the foundation of the Reagan era market boom of the ‘80s. There was a leveraged buyout boom in those years, which peaked with the RJR buyout.

In the ‘80s, women wore ballet-slippers pink nail polish with their otherwise garish fashions of the era. Then one day a friend in about 1988 called me in New York and asked what color polish I was wearing.

“Ballet-slippers pink,” I replied. “But the kids are wearing dark.”

“That’s why I asked,” she said.

And so it was. The leveraged buyout boom of the ‘80s turned into the wave of bankruptcies of the ‘90s. I learned bankruptcy law to write better tax articles. We have an income tax that is quite generous with the use of losses.

Nail polish only got darker after the downtown kids started showing up wearing burgundies. Chanel introduced its reddish black Vamp—then called Rouge Noir—with its spring 1994 collection. Vamp has been in production, and in style, ever since.

Long Term Capital Management melted down in 1998. Glass-Steagall was formally repealed in 1999. Derivatives were exempted from regulation in 2000. So the banking party that ended in 2008 got started.

A couple of years ago, New York socialites began wearing black polish, heretofore the preserve of Goths and punks. Usually, denizens of Manhattan’s upper east side stick with ballet slippers pink because economic life is always good for them. When they wear black polish, things are really bad.

At this moment, the preferred nail colors for fall are iridescent charcoal grey, sparkly dark blue and blackish dark green, in addition to the perennial Vamp. Hardly the stuff to wear to meet the parents. Oh, sure, there’s been trends for fluorescent colors and the occasional beige—just like there have been indications of meager economic growth primed by Helicopter Ben’s efforts to goose the equity markets.

What about nail art? It’s the Busby Berkeley musical of the makeup world. It’s expensive to get those little pictures painted on the nails at the salon. Yet the biggest consumers of this tacky craft are women in lower-paid clerical jobs, who devote a chunk of their pay to their nails. The only explanation is escapism in the form of a painted fairyland on the fingertips.

Why do women spend so much time and money on a beauty ritual that doesn’t attract men? That question is unanswerable. My nails were drying in a Sally Hansen black plum as I wrote this, and the polish inspired the column.

via fashion - Google News

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