EXCLUSIVE! Striking Fashion Police Writers Fuming Over Joan Rivers' WGA ... - PerezHilton.com

exclusive joan rivers fashion police writers strike wga east settlement response

WHAT DO WE WANT? Zac Efron !!

HOW DO WE WANT HIM? Fisting our butts!!!

Oh, hai perezilicious readers — we didn't even notice you over there!!!

This ongoing dispute between Joan Rivers and the striking writers of Fashion Police has us sooooo worked up that we almost want to stick it to The Man ourselves!!

Or, in Zefron's case, let the man stick it to us, LOLz!!

We told you Joan reached a settlement with the Writers Guild of America East, in which she vowed to stop writing her own material, but the show's striking writers are none too thrilled with the supposed resolution!

We have EXCLUSIVE! testimonial from one of them saying Joan isn't on their side at all. In fact, they allege she actively "undermined" their efforts to organize against E!.

The source said:

"Despite her claims of support, Joan Rivers actively and deliberately undermined our strike from Day One by continuing to write for Fashion Police, only agreeing to stop when it was clear that she was facing expulsion from the WGA."

The source also confirms that they are NOT done striking!!

They continued:

"We will continue to withhold writing services until our single, clear demand– a union contract— is met… Until then, make no mistake: Fashion Police is still very much on strike. Joan, you have the power to make this happen. Don’t take 'No' for an answer. Don’t let E! dismiss you the way Johnny Carson did."

Whoa!!! They even invoked Johnny Carson!

These dudes and dudettes mean business!!! We wonder how Joan will respond!?

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