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Dying to make it in fashion? The top editors of three of the industry’s premiere publications have some tips.

How To Make It In Fashion, a conference held Friday by at the High Line Hotel in Chelsea, gave the over 200 attendees an inside glimpse into the business end of the fashion industry.

From insight into the future of digital marketing and sales to inspiring talks with DKNY PR Girl Aliza Licht and designer Jessica Randall, the conference aimed to educate attendees on every facet of fashion and retail.

The day kicked off with an editors panel consisting of the editors-in-chief of Elle Magazine, Robbie Myers; InStyle Magazine, Ariel Foxman; and Teen Vogue, Amy Astley. Interviewed by Fashionista editor Lauren Indvik, the industry veterans gave candid advice on everything from what to wear to the job interview to just how long those cover letters really should be (spoiler alert: definitely less than one page).

While the conference was geared toward aspiring fashion experts, the advice is applicable to almost every field. Here’s some of their best tidbits for making it in to the top of your profession:

Keep cover letters brief and to the point

After reading hundreds of cover letters, the editors had some strong opinions. While Foxman said he hardly ever bothers with them, Astley and Myers said they’re a great way to show some creativity, as long as you’re concise and not too original. Myers suggested getting personal to show you really want the job — that you’re not just sending in a generic cover letter. “Write to me,” she said.

“Something personal, when it’s true, when it’s authentic, it will flow out,” Astley said. “Cite specific examples of why you like our magazine.”

Know what you want

In any industry, you really need to have a sense of what you want to do before you start applying for every job available. This is especially true in fashion, where every position is specialized.

“There are a lot of people who are only into fashion for what they think it is,” said Foxman.

“You really need to know the person you’re talking to and the brand,” Astley said. “If you’re going to be taking up someone’s time … know your stuff.” In other words: Do your research and make sure you’re applying to the right job for you. It doesn’t do anyone any good to realize half-way through the interview that you didn’t apply to the right position because you expected it to be something else.

“Wherever you’re interviewing, any job, you need to know that product before you walk in that person’s office. And that will impress them, even though that’s the bare minimum,” Astley said.

“There are so many people who come in and say they’re obsessed with InStyle, they’re obsessed with fashion, and then they can’t answer a follow-up question,” said Foxman. “It happens all the time … If you’re not obsessed with where you’re going to be getting coffee, you’re going to be miserable in three days.”

Dress the part

If your cover letter was successful and you secured an interview, Astley said your outfit should “tell a story from beginning to end.” Clothes are an important way for someone in any industry to distinguish herself. While there may be more freedom in the fashion industry, Astley said it’s important that your clothes are a reflection of the position you want no matter where you’re interviewing. “Even if you think you’re not making a choice, you’re making a choice,” she said.

For those particularly interested in a career in fashion, Astley said she looks for creativity above designer duds and a perfectly polished look.

Say yes to everything and be humble while you do it

Myers told a story about an assistant who showed enthusiasm in every task delegated to him at Elle — even pushing racks of clothing up and down Seventh Avenue while the other assistants complained. “Every single thing you do is an opportunity to meet somebody and network,” she said. Needless to say, the assistant was promoted.

At Teen Vogue, Astley works with a small team, where everyone wears multiple hats and is constantly on the go. “I look for people who want to take on more work,” she said.

Even if you’re a seasoned professional, but especially if you’re just starting out, it’s best to show humility. As Foxman joked, the industry isn’t like The Devil Wears Prada — be polite and respectful to everyone, not just your superiors.

“Be nice to everybody, engage as broadly as you can with as many people as you can,” Astley said. Network with peers especially.

Be fearless

While focusing on excelling at your current position is always important, Myers said she was also tuned into her future prospects throughout her career. When she made the jump from the established Interview Magazine to become the editor of Careers Magazine, a new publication no one had ever heard of, her friends were skeptical. “I was willing to take a big risk,” she said. Obviously, that risk paid off.

“Be open and curious to what’s possible, what’s next,” she said.

Follow me on Twitter: @AliciaAdamczyk

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