Glastonbury 2014: festival fashion – the best looks - The Guardian

Cheshona Hart, 20, majorette, London

Cheshona Hart All photographs: David Levene for the Guardian

I got the fabric for the skirt from Portobello Road. The top is from New York – I bought it because my boyfriend was born in 1983. The glitter always takes a while to do, but you have to make the effort, don't you?

Dolly or Metallica? Dolly all the way. She's fun and fantastic.

Andy Stone, 34, Stephen Doherty, 30, Sanchia Pickering, 35 and Eimer Nallen, 31, pharmacists, and Debbie Hawker, 30, nurse, all from Manchester

Where’s Wally? gang

The Where's Wally? idea comes from our friend Emma, who was meant to be here but broke her leg. We've never dressed up before but are loving all the attention. It makes it really easy to stay together too.

Dolly or Metallica? Dolly! Dolly and Wally would make a great couple, wouldn't they?

Elliott Rooney, 29, illustrator, Southsea

Elliott Rooney

This sweatshirt comes from a Japanese brand called Massive. They work a lot with gay porn images, and have done towels in the past. I always wear shorts for the whole of Glastonbury – I've been here for two weeks building the Common stage.

Dolly or Metallica? That's hard. As a gay man I should say Dolly but I'm a rocker at heart. Tally-Dolly?

Kyle Clarkson, 27, gas engineer, Newcastle

Kyle Clarkson

I look a bit weird by myself but I'm part of a gang dressed in 70s disco gear. Last year we were wrestlers. I had platforms on this morning but took them off because of the mud. White trousers weren't the best idea either.

Dolly or Metallica? Dolly. It's got to be, hasn't it? I reckon she's got a cool look.

Kimberly Withington, 30, fashion designer, Bristol

Kimberly Withington

I love gold – I wear it all the time. I made this jacket myself after it was really popular with my customers, and I wanted my own. I like the way it contrasts with the mud.

Dolly or Metallica? Dolly. My boyfriend would hate that but Dolly's a legend. Though she'd never get me wearing pink.

Trevor Bletso, 33, computer engineer, Trowbridge

Trevor Bletso

I got this T-shirt five years ago at Download festival. I haven't worn it since and never normally wear a band T-shirt to a festival but it works since they're playing.

Dolly or Metallica? Metallica, obviously. Lars doesn't have the hair but they still have that metal look.

Robyn Rendle, 27, PA, London

Robyn Rendle

I bought a few bits for the festival but then bought this poncho because I was soaking. My friend made the flower headband. She's going to go into business making them, they've been so popular.

Dolly or Metallica? Dolly. I'm not a rocker. I want something I can jam to.

Imogen Billings, 21, catering, London

Imogen Billings

I packed loads of stuff but I'm not wearing any of it – I'm going back to the tent to change. I have to have my sparkly earrings, otherwise I feel a bit naked. I did the face paint yesterday to get into the mood.

Dolly or Metallica? Metallica, for sure. I wouldn't rock their look but you have to respect it.

Gummi, 29, business management, Woking


I love acid house and techno so this T-shirt appealed to me. I don't actually know where I got the army surplus coat from but the hat is from here. It's pretty cool, right?

Dolly or Metallica? Neither – I like comfortable, casual, simple style.

Octavia Fadil, 34, teacher, London

Octavia Fadil

We had a gold theme but I freestyled it on the day. I had the glasses and face paint on earlier, but then I got cold. The cardigan was a colleague's, she got it from a car boot sale.

Dolly or Metallica? Dolly. I could have been persuaded to do a homage look this year, for sure.

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