Shirley Wild: Children's Benefit League of Long Beach holds fashion show - Long Beach Press-Telegram

“Return to Oz” was the fun theme of the Children’s Benefit Leagues’ annual Fashion Show Fundraiser, held March 8 at the Long Beach Airport Marriott Hotel. With about 300 guests, 12 vendors, children in Oz costumes, and student helpers from Wilson High School, the group celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Wizard of Oz film in style.

A huge mural backdrop of the Emerald City displayed in the banquet room from RWB Party Props of Orange helped to bring to life Dorothy, the Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion and the Tin Man. Following lunch, the fashion show, commentated by Lucinda Mead, showcased models wearing clothes from Drapers & Damons Clothing, DaVid’s Collection, Elizabeth Saba’s Custom Knits and Formal Fashions. Several professional dancers, models and singers charmed the guests with music from the “Wizard of Oz” movie.

There were more than 140 donations, from local businesses and CBL members, offered for silent auction prizes. Cash and three live auction prizes were also auctioned by CBL President Sue Lance and Recording Secretary Andrea LaVela. The live auction winners were Pat Payne who outbid all for a trip to Boston on Jet Blue Airlines; a trip to a Temecula winery resort with a hot air balloon ride was won by Jane Nadeau; and Sylvia Desmond won the bid for a one-night stay at the Marriott Airport Hotel and dinner with the chef.

The “Return to Oz” fashion show event was co-chaired by Teresa Gill and Shirley Wiewel. Fabulous decorations were created by Pat Payne, posters by Dawn Dimond and Michelle Jones and many others assisted from a large fashion show committee. Everyone enjoyed this fabulous event and left saying, “There’s no place like home!”

Benefitting five clinics for medically needy children, $29,500 was raised at the event. Children’s Benefit League sponsors: AbilityFirst, The Children’s Clinic, Children’s Dental Health Clinic, The Guidance Center and John Tracy Clinic. CBL is a nonprofit organization with all volunteer helpers. For more information, check www.childrensben, or go to www.childrensbene

Seen at the Scene: CBL’s board members President Sue Lance, Robin Couglin, Judy Nichols, Debbie Welding, Andrea LaVela, Diana Parker, Susan Lopez, Judy Cornwall, Jean Paige, Susan Arcese, Pat Payne, Cherie deGomez, Jean Dayak, Rosalie and Robert Lynch. Carol and Leo Black and Ed Dignan. Also attending were Barbara Schlosser of AbilityFirst, Pat and Roger Leue, Jackie Kell, Michele Hansen. Nancy Alswede, Genevieve Jenkins, Jean McKelvie, June Harriman.

El Dorado Women’s Federated

The El Dorado Women’s Federated celebrated its 50th anniversary at its Reciprocity Meeting on Feb. 17. Among the 50 or so attending the event at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church were members from other Women’s Federated Clubs throughout the Southland.

Club President Lois Iles welcomed the Los Cerritos District President Barbara Briley Beard, who congratulated the club on its 50 years of excellence. She remarked that the club always worked hard to fulfill the needs of the community with its philanthropic work.

Founding member Annie Russon spoke about the club’s beginnings. The club was founded when El Dorado Park Estates began having families move into the new housing tract. A small group of energetic women with an interest in their new community decided to become a part of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs an international organization of women serving their communities. Today, the El Dorado Women has grown its boundaries to include women from all the surrounding areas. Together they support the VA, schools, McDonald’s House and Precious Life, and each year they provide scholarships to the School of Nursing at LBCC and other projects.

The celebration included a huge buffet prepared by the members. Entertainment was provided by the Westminster Senior Celebration Line Dancers who range in age from 55 to 87 years of age. They have performed all over Southern California: Orange County, San Diego and L.A. County Fairs, Angel Stadium, Knott’s Berry Farm, and city and church events. All free for the love of dancing!

“This was a fabulous 50th anniversary celebration,” said Annie Vargas, a founder. “I am so very proud of our club and what we have done throughout the years. And the best part is that we have had so much fun and developed so many friendships.”

For more information call: 562-420-2562.

Seen at the scene: Dr. Vonda Lia, Bev Cook, Ruby Cure, Emily Chronister, program co-chairs Marilyn Landsdale and Lou Duacsek, Carol Masters, Joan Remine, Marlys Pfrimmer.

News of social events with charitable purposes may be sent to Shirley Wild at or by fax to 562-594-9668. Please include a contact phone number. Send high-resolution jpeg photos, by attachment, to and include group name and identification of individuals from left. Call Shirley at 562-594-9468 for more information. Please check the website for coverage of additional events: wwwpresstele

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