Fashion Person on Why Fashion Bloggers Are Ruining Fashion - Racked National

Instagram is quickly becoming everyone's new favorite social media platform to hate. In the wake of its nipple-banning controversy, i-D is takes it to task for sucking positive vibes out of the fashion industry. An op-ed on the site blames fashion bloggers and their glossy, jealousy-inducing instagrams for taking the spotlight away from the real heroes in the industry: those who toil long hours for little pay and few social media followers.

"Thanks to the now-commonplace role of 'fashion blogger' it's the daily routine of some to share their enviable experiences in the industry, from the parties and shows they attend to the gifts they receive from designers," writer Courtney Iseman opines. "And much of that is done on Instagram, the platform used by not only these bloggers, but by editors, journalists, models, muses, It Girls and tastemakers to give quick, perfectly arranged peeks of their photo-ready lives."

The problem arises when those perfectly-arranged (and, more likely than not, brand-funded) peeks become a unrealistic standard of what the fashion industry should be. Those in work in fashion and don't trade in on those insider-y perks are left feeling demoralized and unappreciated. "If you've got your nose to the grindstone as a writer or a PR assistant, you might not have the Instagram followers to attract that sort of life, or the salary to make it happen on your own," Iseman continues. "The gap between the costs of luxury fashion and what most of the people propelling that industry forward earn can be overwhelmingly wide."

She cites long hours and low social media followings as reasons for this Instagram-induced fashion depression. "Seeing someone on Instagram get much closer to that elite part of fashion—meeting those designers, jetsetting around to be photographed in those clothes—can be frustrating when you know you have the drive and the skill set to get there, but feel like you might not be obtaining the same opportunities because of your nine-to-five (or nine-to-nine) responsibilities and not having enough social media followers."

Iseman boils the problem down to fashion bloggers and their over-the-top lifestyle, lamenting that this has become the way the fashion industry is perceived, even though it really just shows one small, very privileged part of the overall picture. "Fashion still exists beyond the bloggers changing six times a day, the gifted handbags and the flattering filters," she writes

· How instagram can make you forget why you love fashion [i-D]

· Random Fashion Blogger from Utah Makes $1 Million a Year [Racked]

· Instagram Shut Down This Girl's Fat-Positive Body Pics [Racked]

via fashion - Google News

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